Monday, November 29, 2010

Gratitude for Expensive Car Repairs... Really?

Yes!  I try to practice gratitude everyday.  Some days it's easy... some days it's tough!  But if I'm serious about having an attitude of gratitude, then I need to be grateful EVERY day.  This morning, during rush hour, my little white Saturn quit running while going up the ramp from MacCorkle Avenue to the South Side Bridge.  Still in the shop tonight.  Repairs are going to be expensive.  The inconvenience is one thing... the expense is what I have trouble with.  How can I be grateful for this unexpected expenditure?  The first things that come to mind are things like "at least I didn't have a wreck and get hurt," "at least this didn't happen going to or from Pittsburgh last week," etc.  Somehow I feel the need to rise above the it could have been worse kind of gratitude.  So... after some thoughtful consideration I find much to be grateful for in today's situation.

I HAVE A CAR!  I had a car yesterday, I have a car today, I'll have a car tomorrow.  Most everyday of my life, I have the convenience of hopping into my car to go to work, shopping, on a trip, or wherever I want to go. 

I have the MEANS to pay for the repairs.  I don't have the cash, but I do have a credit card.  I'm not crazy about using it... but nevertheless, I have the means to pay for the repairs. 

The guy who is fixing my car, does this for a living.  Because he has customers like me, he can provide for himself and his family.  And, thank goodness there are people and companies whose business it is to fix cars.  Otherwise, for most of us, when a car broke, that would be the end of it.  My car will be FIXED.  The mechanic will EARN A LIVING.

Things circulate... including money.  I spend some today.  I get some tomorrow (well, at least on payday).  I'll earn most of it, some of it will be a gift.  Actually, all of it is a gift.  It's a gift to have a job.  Having a car, even one that needs fixed, is a sign that I have GIFTS in my life.

If I choose to live a lifestyle that necessitates owning a car, then I must realize that that car will require repairs now and then.  Other people will benefit from my car repair needs, I will benefit from their skill and knowledge.  It's a trade-off... and having a car is a sign I get to CHOOSE my lifestyle.

Today has been an opportunity to PRACTICE not stressing out and not worrying.  If I want my life to be peaceful, and I keep saying that I do, then I have to find peace in the midst of whatever is going on.

Lastly, I feel there is some unknown BENEFIT, some blessing in this event and/or in each step of my day today.  Had I arrived at work as usual, I would not have had encounters with these people:
  • AAA lady who answered the phone
  • Steve & Jenny on the morning radio show
  • The Charleston Police Officer who came to direct traffic
  • Ray, the driver of the tow truck
  • The folks at Appalachian Tire
  • Facebook friends who responded to my goofy posts about my car breakdown
  • A nice chat with a friend in the building where my art studio is (where I waited for my car to be finished)
  • Our friend Matt, who brought me home from work
That's a lot of people!  Why were they in my life today?  Why was I in theirs?  I must trust that there's a bigger picture I can't see - where everything in this day makes sense, and it works better if I make an effort to flow with it. 

Now the real challenge:  Can I hand that credit card over tomorrow with a SMILE?  :-)

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